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German Fire Squad and Wraiths [10/24/2005]
This was a very unusual dream and quite long actually. I start to recall finding myself in an old city of stone buildings. It seemed very Roman in its architecture. Everything was
gray with spots of green growth around crevices. There were flights of stairs all over which makes me believe that the city was on the side of a large hill.
A team of us where all in battle gear and were protecting something from the Germans. As we spyed from windows and shot at the bad guys who hide in buildings and other places, we
came upon a courtyard of stairs. Buildings surrounded and stairs led up from one opening and layered the whole ground as it led up to an exit to the right.
Just then a German guy in a very heavy suit, which I can only describe as a thick silvery fire-proof suit, came running down from the right with a flame thrower and blasted it towards
us. Our team split up and ran in different directions as we tried to track this guy. He vanished somehow and I found myself walking quietly down some shaded stairs which led to a
closed metal door into the basement of a rather boring cement-formed building.
I entered the room which was mostly bare with a dark hallway to the left and a cement stairwell to the right. I found on the ground in the room the suit from that German guy. I
inspected it and found that it was still a little hot, probably from the guy torching stuff and getting close to the flames. I left the suit on the ground and looked towards the
stairwell because I heard some noises coming from there.
All of the sudden two ladies in these fire suits come down the stairs backwards followed by about 8 others. They don't seem to notice me there. I don't know why, but perhaps it was
because there was a fire suit on the ground and that guy was nowhere to be found. They started to take off their fire suits there and still didn't notice me. I nudged the two girls
that came down first in the arm. They looked at me and were suddenly stunned. A moment later, the whole room was looking at me and were also stunned. I quickly jolted for the door
and, almost like a slow reaction, the ladies all ran towards the door as well. I slammed the door shut and held it to be sure they couldn't get out.
The strange thing was, I wasn't outside this time. I found myself in a rather white building with unbreakable windows into the room that I was just in. A group of people I perceived
to be on my side were wandering about the hallway I was in. I couldn't hold the door closed for much longer, so Mrs. O'Connor was suddenly there and she took over holding the door. I
looked in and could see into a huge room behind them that was quite spacious and had a wall of windows looking outdoors. I could see some kind of medical equipment in the room. I asked
if they could escape, but it was explained to me that it was a psych ward and they couldn't get out of that zone they were in even if they went into that other room.
We started to discuss what to do with the ladies, and for whatever strange reason the perception of who these ladies were got warped into them being some kind of mediator species that
could see and touch wraiths. Apparently these wraiths were much like ghosts, but if you were to see them, they'd be rather grimm looking creatures that were covered in ragged, drapped
cloth and were of a translucent, light blue color.
We finally agreed that these mediators could be of medical assistance to the wraiths. We were developing devices that could treat these wraiths, but we couldn't actually see them, so
treating them would be rather pointless for us. The mediators seemed very eager to help with our medical practices in the area of these wraiths.
We walked down a hallway into a science lab of sorts with electronic equipment everywhere and some kind of metalic walls all around and a rather space age window that made up one
wall. My brother, Tom, was in there doing some kind of research, and we started discussing these medical plans. I picked up a small device which was described as a fusion reactor tool.
It was powered by a fusion reaction and could do some task that I forget now. We knew somehow that it could be used for a medical tool if modified slightly. So we made plans to work on
making that tool for our mediator friends to use in treating the wraiths. I woke up shortly after this.
This dream is currently: Unsolved
Dream World of Self:
Escaping Our Pursuers
| Fleshy Fugitives
| The Black Snake-Cat; The Fire Sword
| Ghost Caves
| Agents and Group Gatherings
| The Egg People
| I Don't Like Losing
| A House Party and The Witch's Wand
| Ghost Hound and a House on a Cavern
| Creepy Treats and Quiver Movie
| Security Robots and Naked Squash
| White Walks and a Folding Human
| Recursive Fish
| Gene-spliced Heart
| The Phantom and the Dog
| Radioactive Military Future
| Powerful Pets
| Zombie Air-Show
| Hundred Year Cross
| Jeans Installed
| The Swing
| A Concert, Morphing Body, and Pipe Cleaner Veins
| Punk Gang Fight
| Puke then Take a Trip
| Military Experiment
| Escaped and on a Journey
| Swimming Hole
| A Wedding and Some Sad News
| German Fire Squad and Wraiths
| Hello Dead Friend
| Naruto-style Cat Fiasco
| Eating Glass
| Matzah Bread Toss
| Bleach Girl
| Kidnapper and Stolen Things
| Ethereal Chess and Crazy Black Animals
| Demon Frogs
| The Sword, Bat and Baseball
| Spirits in a Mansion
| Castle Strategy Game
| Ballroom Trucks
| Webs & Ghosts
| Chased by a Tornado
| Cat and the Laundry
| Taking a Course
| Let's Make a Movie
| Pirate Ship Cafe
| Psycho Pizza
| Wedding Reception Planning
| Trailer Rock Star Accident
| Bear Thug
| Offensive Movie
| Angels and the Book of Life
| Robot Warehouse
| Slice and Dismember
| Uncertain Smoke, Animated Brass
| Plane Tickets
| Mad Hat Hymnist
| Boat Troubles
| Alien Attack
| Strange Hallway
| Demon
| Superheroes
| Eye of Anubis
| Car Dealings
| Crazy Accident
| Robot Cops
| Movie Accident
| Snack Section
| Killer Child
| Frozen Heads
| Snow Rollerblading
| Molded Clay
| Viagra Vioxx Tea
| Woodshop & Berries
| Eccentric Tomato
| Late Night Phone Call
| Business & Muffins
| Infested House
| Sticky Situations
| Business Meeting
| The Cat
| Date and a Restaurant
| People Experiment
| Hollywood Havoc
| Escaping Security
| Sled Trail
| Water Treatment
| Office and Giant Ants
| Airplane Raid
| Cottage Wolf
| Stairwell
| Watery Chasm
| Ninjas and Robots
| Ampersand
| Dance Dunes
| Entranced
| Prickly Arcade
| Cleaning Room
| Japanese Jeans
| Flowers
| Deja Vu Execution
| Slumber Party
| Serial Killer
| Accident and Chosen One
| Gecko & Theft
| Burglar
| Shortcomings
| Failures
| A Brush On Fame
| The Matrix
| Hangman
| Baby, Snow, Rice
| Wolfpack
| Mixed-Up Cupboards
| Mountain Ranger
| Show Tickets
| Water-spring
| Pot-pie-napping
| Baseball Trip
| Hunt Race
| Mind Control
| Trailer Tradegy
| Chan Action Flick
| Two School Dreams
| Fungi Sabotage
| Casino Fader
| Chemical Cereal
| Chased Around
| Party of Two Flavors
| Nicknack Shop
| Dealership
| A Band of Goblins
| Community Hill
| Bodiless Man
| Doctor
| Crashed Cocktail Party
| The Fugitive
| Let's Go to the Theatre
| Mars Attack
Dream World of Tom Kiehl:
Line Mission
Dream World of Shay LaPlante:
Bloody Murder